Historically, one area private label fell short was design. Shoppers didn’t believe the store brand packaging reflect high-quality products. But the Revolution is being led with strong design. Shoprite just debuted “bowl & basket,” its new food and beverage private label brand. Handsomely designed with a simple bespoke typeface, a warm color pallet, and understated photography, “bowl & basket” could be viewed by shoppers as a local craft company. A simple brow at the top of the package subtly states, “A Shoprite Brand,” without the dated logo that adorns over 300 stores nationwide. Shoprite, along with many competitors in grocery, have come to understand that unique, ownable, and strong design doesn’t cost any more than generic, same-old design. In fact, poor design could cost more in the long run, if you consider that customers won’t purchase products they have no interest in testing. National brands should take note, and ensure that the quality of their packaging should match the quality of their products. Want to really get a retailer’s interest? Design a package that’s retail-specific. Not only are you more likely to sell-in a shopper program, you’ll also gain the interest of shoppers.